Evaluations concernant la législation turque en matière de paris sportifs & Attentes des clubs

Jan 25 2011 | 11:19 PM

La version francaise de l’expose fourni lors du :



November 19-21, 2009
Warsaw, Poland

“Evaluation on the Gambling and Betting Regulations in Turkish Sports & Expectations of Clubs”.

par Monsieur Ozgerhan Tolunay

Docteur en droit, avocat
Directeur de TOLUN Consulting, Sport Law Center

Sports Betting in Turkey are conducted under State Control and Supervision. The Government has transferred its Sports Betting organisation to a Private Company by making a tender. 

In this conference, the Turkish Betting Regulations i.e. sports betting and the legislation on the allocation of the profit earned from them will be analyzed ( İddaa, Spor Toto, etc.) because this legislation has quite a complex structure and includes important deficiencies and contradictions.

As sports activities have developed, important amendments on the legislation have been made in Turkey since 2007. This rather includes tax rates as well as the clubs’ royalties. 

While the İddaa was only organized for Football games in Turkey, it is now played for Football, Basketball, Motor Sports, Tennis, Volleyball, Handball, Water Polo and other individual and team sports.  

In this conference, as well as explaining the penal sanctions foreseen in order to prevent illegal gambling (especially played on the Internet), the figures of the club rights (or shares) as to before 2007, in the 2007-2009 period and 2009 regulations will be stated. 

This conference including the legal aspects and marketing point of view in Turkish Sports as a comparative study will be closed with suggestions on amendments that must be done regarding the legislation and the wishes of the Turkish clubs. 

Download the "Evaluations concernant la l?gislation turque en mati?re de paris sportifs & Attentes des clubs" (in French language)

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