International Sports Law Review Pandektis (I.S.L.R/P.)
e-Lex Sportva
The International Sports Law Review Pandektis (I.S.L.R. Pandektis) is the official journal of the International Association of Sports Law (I.A.S.L.). It is published twice per year and bound as a volume every two years.
The editor-in-chief is Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos, Professor of Sports Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and President of I.A.S.L., whereas the editorial board consists of several sports law scientists from all over the world.
More about I.S.L.R. Pandektis/el-LexSportiva
See IASL Journals
e-Lex Sportiva Journal
The e-Lex Sportiva Journal is another Official International Sports Law Journal of IASL published twice 2 times per year and bound as a volume every year by the EKEAD Center. Is directed by an Editorial Committee presided by Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, Professor of Sports Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Aim: The development and the promotion of the Sports Law Science worldwide and of Lex Sportiva theory. The presentation of authentic jurisprudence of Sports Law and Sports Law Cases, specialized legislation, and courts of justice nationally and internationally.
e-Lex Sportiva Journal, the basic goal is to communicate and deliver a scientific message of the emerging Science of Sports Law.
Publications: Articles and Research on sports law- are published in the e-Lex Sportiva Journal. The articles regarding Sports relations (at the national and international level), and the sports organizations (their legal status and the law that governs their function), are also published in the e-Sports Law Journal. Studies and research about labor relations in athletics and articles concerning the law of the Olympic Games are included also in this new Magazine, e-Lex Sportiva Journal.
Till now, there published 1st volume of, e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Issues 1,2 (2013).