Volume V

Volume V

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I.S.L.R. Pandektis table of contents: Volume V

Issues 1 / 2

Index I : Articles




  • James A. R. Nafziger: "Comments on applying International Sports Law in the United States"
  • Ayodeji Peter Abbonjinmi: "Legal basis for coaches liability in sport and recreation"
  • Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos: "The institutional autonomy of sport and the limits of the economic freedom"
  • Roberto Branco Martins: "The Kolpak Case: Bosman times 10- Football fears the arrival of Bosman, Bosmanovic and Osman"
  • Dele Akpata, Eliwaja Wilson: "Risk management practices of sports organisations in Tanzania. An analysis"
  • Maria Jose Carvalho: "The legal framework of high-perdormance sport in Portugal"

Index II - Jurisprudence - Case Law

A. European Court of Justice
1. Case C-438/00, 8 May 2003

B. National Jurisprudence
1. Swiss Federal Court (1st Civil Chamber), Judgment of May 27, 2003

Index III: News from The International Association of Sports Law (I.A.S.L.)

A. 9th International Congress on Sports Law, Conference Schedule

Index IV: Findings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress on Sports Law, Athens, 12-14 October 2001


Issues 3 / 4

Index I : Articles

  • Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos: "Lex Sportiva: Sport institutions and rules of law"
  • Ayodeji Peter Abbonjinmi: "Tortious/delictual liability in sportand recreation"
  • Andras Nemes: "Sports policy in Hungary in particular with regard to youth sport"
  • Lingling Wei, Martin Kretschmer: "Ambush marketing: a study of strategies and legal responses"
  • Joaquin Sotelo Gonzalez: "Sport as An element for European integration"


Index II - Jurisprudence - Case Law

A. European Court of Justice
Case T-313/02, David Meca-Medina

B. Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS, summary)

Ad hoc Division – Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City
CAS arbitration N° CAS OG 02/005 Troy Billington –FIBT

C. Comments

  • Janez Kocijancic Some news about the activities of sports lawyers in Slovenia
  • Violeta Shqevi Albania Sports Law

Index III: IASL News

A. 10th International Congress on Sports Law
Athens, 25-27 November 2004, Greece

Issues 3 / 4 - Table of Contents


Index I : Articles

  • James A.R. Nafziger, "Circumstantial evidence of doping: Balco and beyond"
  • Karen Bill "The prevalence and nature of age discrimination practices in UK sport and recreation organisations"
  • Huang Shixi "Anti-doping in Chinese Sports"
  • Andras Nemes - GΑBOR CSAPΣ "Modernization of the higher education of per with special regard to trainers’ instruction in Hungary"


Index II: Jurisprudence - Case Law

Case T-193/02 (France) Laurent Piau -FIFA

  • Case T-193/02 (France) Laurent Piau -FIFA

Court of Arbitration for Sport

  • CAS OG 04/009 case: Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC),
  • Kaklamanakis- International Sailing Federation (ISAF),
  • Argentine Olympic Committee (AOC),
  • Brazilian Olympic Committee (BOG)

Index III: IASL News

11th Congress of the International Association of Sports Law

Index IV. Index of Sports Law

A. International Sports Law Review Pandektis (I.S.L.R/Pand)

  1. I.S.L.R. Pandektis, Volume 1 (1992-1993)
  2. I.S.L.R.Pandektis, Volume 2 (1994-1995)
  3. I.S.L.R.Pandektis, Volume 3 (1998-99, edition 2000)
  4. I.S.L.R. Pandektis, Volume 4, 5
  • Articles
  • Jurisprudence - Case Law

i. European Court of Justice
ii. Court of Arbitration for Sport
iii. National Jurisprudence- Case Law
1. British jurisprudence
2. Greek jurisprudence - Case Law
3. Italian jurisprudence - Case Law
4. Swiss Federal Court

B. Findings of IASL Congress
