Sport Law Forum, 28th March 2009, Budapest, Hungary

Sports Law Forum, 28th March 2009, Budapest, Hungary

9.00-9.30 am:     Registration
9.30-10.00:         Opening welcome/greetings(organisers,sponsors)
10.00-10.30:       Presentation by Mr.Prof.Dr.D.Panagiotopoulos, IASL president
10.30--10.50:      Discussions, asks-answers
10.50--11.20:      Presentation by Prof. Claus Vieweg, IASL boardm
11.20-11.40:       Discussions, asks-answers
Coffee break
12.00- 13.00 pm: Presentation of Ms.Dr.Α.Tiszecker, leader of the HUNADO
13-00-14.00:       Consulting, discussions
14.00:                 Closing of the Forum

More information:
Mr. Dr. Nemes Andras
Assoc. Professor,
President of SPORTJUS,
Honorary Vice President of IASL

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