18th IASL World Congress closing speech
Oct 20 2012 | 3:00 AM
Closing Speech
of 18th IASL Congress, In China Political Science and Law University Beijing
By President
Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos
Beijing, October 12, 2012
Dear President of China University and Political Law,
Dear President of Organizing Committee of 18th IASL Congress in Beijing, Prof. Wang Xiaoping,
Dear Colleagues and Friends. Ladies and gentlemen,
First of all I would like to congratulate all of us, with successfully congress.
On behalf of IASL, I send to Chinese colleagues a great Thank you for the excellent organization and for their hospitality, friendly and warm host.
This Congress is a fundamental important for sports law. It provides us the opportunity to discussed different subjects in several fields of sport law topics such as, the role of lex sportiva. Lex Sportiva / Olympica, is another kind of law resulting from the synthesis of characteristics of international law (subject, object and content regulations) and internal characteristics of domestic legal orders.
In this congress provides us the opportunity to discussed different subjects in several fields of sport law topics such as the role of lex sportiva and her relations in international Sports institutions, as and the legal relation with the international organization, the legal fields of the European Union law and the institution for sports Jurisdiction.
Also, we had an opportunity to discuss some new aspects of sport law in practice. It will help to actualizes sport activities, for example the cases with ethical and legal aspects in modern Olympic and world games, that’s characterise the future sport in the world.
Furthermore we discussed problems relevant with Betting and gambling in sports activities as be and the problem of doping in sports.
I am sure that we all get new, useful ideas that will help to develop our aim – science and practice of sport law. I hope that you will agree that in the IASL Congresses not only we discuss problems from sports practice area, but and we will discuss scientific problems of Sports Law for her development, for make on offer to sports world and to involvement in sports activities.
This Congress of IASL, in Beijing, was an excellence scientific congress, which give us a new perspective.
Now, I would like to invite you to Continuous our work, I will be glad to see you next year in 19 IASL Congress in Bali Indonesia.
See you soon.
Thank you everybody for your attention and cooperation.
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