IASL's Development and International Affairs Committee

Head -Coordinator

Baoying GUAN, Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, China,xianghuiying@shupl.edu.cn


Li Zhi(Dr.), Professor at the Law Faculty, Fuzhou University, China lizhi1998@126.com

Anna Di Giandomenico PhD , Assistant Professor at the Biotechnologies - University of Teramo, Italy adigiandomenico@unite.it

Hua-rong Chen Dr., Sen. Lecturer at the Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, China huarong0324@126.com

Elena Atienza Mac­as Dr., University of Deusto, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Inter-University Chair in Law and the Human Genome Bilbao, Spain. elena.atienza@deusto.es

Dr. Sureshwaran Letchmanan, Sports Law and Management Executive. Managing Director of Asia for Borussia Dortmund, Singapore

Sergey Yurlov, Lawyer, Law degree from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD Candidate, Russian People Friendship University), Russia tommii125@yandex.ru

Zografenia Kallimani, Law er, European University of Cyprus, Certificate of Sports Law in the National and  Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece zografeniakall@gmail.com