7nd International Congress on Sports Law
Paris - France, November 30th - December 1st, 2000
The 7th IASL Congress has successfully taken place in Paris (Maison du Barreau) from November 30th till December 1st, 2000, dealt with the general topic: "Sports and Human Rights - Assault - Doping".
It was organized by:
The International Association of Sports Law, Human Rights Education Institute of the Paris Bar Center Louis PETTITI, French association of Sports Law
The sessions dealt with the following topics:
1 - Assaults in sports, diversity and treatment.
2 - Doping in sports, field and difficulties.
3 - Recourses for doping and assaults.
During the General Assembly of IASL, which took place in Paris (Hotel IBIS Bastille) on December 2nd, 2000, a new IASL Board of Directors was elected and composed in a body.
The IASL General Assembly adopted, inter allia, the following resolutions:
- Restructured the IASL Scientific Committee and the Scientific Committee of "Pandektis International Sports Law Review" journal, by electing as members of both Committees the following persons: Professor Pierre Collomb (France), President of "Association Francaise de Droit du Sport" and Director of "Centre de droit du sport de l' Universite de Nice", Lucio Colantuoni (Italy), Advocate, Asst. Professor, University of Genova, Nathalie Korchia, Elias Michalis (Greece), Professor of Physical Education.
- Revalidated the competence of IASL Secretary General, Asst. Professor Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, as director of the Editorial Committee of "Pandektis International Sports Law Review" journal.
- Authorized the authority to Mr. Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, assisted in technical matters by Elias Michalis (Greece), to proceed and to do on IASL's behalf all that is necessary to further and advance IASL's international renown, particularly through IASL's website www.iasl.org.
- Resolved that the 8th IASL International Congress of Sports Law take place in Montevideo, Uruguay, on November or December 2001, dealing with the general topic: "Professional Sports".
- Resolved that an IASL International Congress of Sports Law take place in the year 2003 in USA, on a date and at a location to be defined in the future.
- Finally, resolved that an IASL Olympic International Congress of Sports Law take place in the year 2004 in Athens, on the opportunity of Athens Olympic Games 2004.

(France), "Chargee de cours a l' I.U.P.I.F.I. Universite de Paris XIII",
The proceedings of the Congress have been undertaken by IASL. The proceedings of the Congress are included in "Sport et Garanties Fondamentales, Violences - Dopage", edited under the co-ordination of Nathalie Korchia and Christophe Pettiti.
The Findings of the Congress are to be included in the following IASL Bulletin Information II.
For further information please contact IASL.