13th IASL Congress - General Assembly 2007
As some of you may already know, the 13th IASL Congress will be held on November 13-16, in Mexico City, with a wide range of theme units, such as sport and national constitutions, sports jurisdictional order, professional and amateur sports, doping, racism and violence, comparative sports law and sports law in higher education. More information concerning the program of the Congress, accommodation and registration information you will be uploaded to the IASL webpage (https://iasl.org). Deadline for abstract submission is 25 October 2007 (please send abstracts to info@iasl.org or gonzalo.zubillaga@sgcib.com.
We would also like to inform you on that occasion that during the 13th IASL Congress, the General Assembly of the members of our association will take place. Main purpose of this Assembly is to elect the new members of the IASL Board of Directors, given that the term of office for the members of the present Board is expiring this year. The General Assembly is also to decide what is to be done with the non-paid up members, in order to clear the IASL members register.
For the sake of clarity and briefing of the members about the General Assembly and the forthcoming elections, it is useful that we make a reference to the relevant Articles of the Statutes of our Association currently in force (and whose content has not been altered with the new revised Statutes) concerning the following issues:
a) Eligibility for participation in the General Assembly
The members are obliged to pay their annual dues to the Association (Articles 4 and 6). The General Assembly of the Association is its supreme body and consists of all the paid-up members of the Association. (Article 19)
b) A quorum of the General Assembly shall consist of at least one-half of the paid-up, regular members plus one. (Article 21)
c) Article 21 - Election of Administrative Board and Audit Committee
When the third regular General Assembly has completed its agenda, it shall elect members of the new Administrative Board and Audit Committee by secret ballot. Before the balloting, the General Assembly shall elect an election Committee composed of three paid-up members. Candidacies for the Administrative Board shall be announced thirty (30) days before the third regular General Assembly. The Secretary General shall convey the list of candidates for the new Administrative Board and Audit Committee to the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall resolve any disputes concerning the candidates on this list.
Moreover, for those who may be interested, all paid-up members may be elected members of the Board provided that two years have elapsed since their registration with the Association (Article 11).
d) Every paid-up regular member of the Association is entitled to vote by a ballot (Article 22).
e) In order for the members to be fully paid-up and according to the Board of Directors’ decision during the Congress in Johannesburg (2005), they should have fully paid their annual dues at least one month before the General Assembly takes place; that is until the 13th October 2007 at the latest.
In view of all the above mentioned, I would like to address to you a warm invitation to the IASL 13th Congress in Mexico City.
From the IASL secretariat